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Frequency of sexual intercourse did increase pregnancy?

As we all know, sexual intercourse can result in pregnancy. Some young couples eager to have a child after getting married, married only a few months pregnant, is worried, increasing the frequency of sexual intercourse in the hope of early pregnancy. The results still can\'t then people wish. The reason for this is:

First, women\'s egg with row only once a month. Female normal menstruation, menstrual cycle is 28 days, menstrual period is 3--7 days, moderate volume, color properly. Equivalent of ovulation in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation is often sudden increase in vaginal secretion, sexy enhanced, that is \"Le Yuzhi\". Eggs generally only survive 1-2 days after the discharge, if not fertilized, it will automatically perish. Thus, only in the ovulatory sexual intercourse, pregnancy possible. Otherwise, intercourse again, but also \"voluntary labour\". So every menstrual cycle before and after ovulation within 2 days easy to conceive of sexual intercourse. If sexual intercourse is too dilute, you easily lose the time of conception. In General, sex to 1--2 times a week for moderate, women may be appropriate to increase before and after ovulation.

Further reading: formula method to calculate your ovulation day 28 days was conceived by your best day

Second, fertilization, sperm count and quality guarantee. Sexual intercourse too many times, not only reduced sperm count and quality will worsen, are childish immature sperm. If sexual intercourse or ejaculation for the more than 1 time a day, will result in reduced semen volume and sperm density reduction, sperm recommend

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Activity rate and survival rate declined significantly, the sperm in the female reproductive tract of road capacity, and the egg meet \"stamina\" greatly reduced pregnancy naturally greatly reduce the chance of. Just imagine, such a situation, and is pregnant.

Further reading: manufacturing best eggs three tips eugenics cannot be separated from the father\'s \"seed\"

Third, after sexual intercourse, though have thousands of sperm in the vagina, however, experiences from the vagina → → → uterine cavity of the cervix of tubal sperm is only a very small number of this long journey. Frequency of sexual intercourse, sperm count is too small and the fact that sperm naive, inability to reach the fallopian tubes and the egg meet, pregnancy is impossible.

Sex too frequent cause of infertility is another reason may cause the woman of immune infertility. This is because the wife frequently repeated contact with the husband\'s sperm, semen, on some specific immune response in women, sperm, semen is an antigenic substance, easily excited antisperm antibodies in the body. More frequent sexual intercourse, the woman more semen absorbing man, antigens stimulate antibodies against much more powerful. These antibodies are of two kinds: called \"agglutinating antibody\" called \"brake antibodies\".

When sperm meets \"agglutinating antibodies\", they are adhesion stacked together, bound to each other and lose the capacity of, were eventually absorbed by the female reproductive tract mucosa. Sperm if you encounter \"brake antibodies\", the action is blocked, and this \"brake antibody\" also allows decreased contractility of uterus and fallopian tubes, impede the fertilized egg to move within the uterine cavity.

Therefore, on the frequency of sexual intercourse and childless couples, best suspended for a period of life, ensure the quality and quantity of sperm, or the use of condoms 3-6 months, can be conceived.