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Fairy tales of allergic diseases

History is full of music for the growth of hard, numerous small obstacles to make children\'s growth journey full of inflection points, especially in the first few years, children experience physical pain, parents experience anxiety and frustration, open a book of children\'s growth, numerous painful experience has in fact behind a common cause--allergy.

Especially in the past 10 years, incidence of allergies in children in China multiplied, particularly in some of the more developed cities. 0-2 children, various allergies are very much to see, in addition to food allergies, eczema is also before the age of 3 children of the most common allergic diseases, each type of allergic disease each has its own characteristics:

Fairy hoax: Eczema

The legend of the fairy\'s magic wand with numerous Magic Magic, vegetation kurong, climate between the weather fairy random point. Mother found just one night to get up early in the morning, and baby face has a few more small red lumps, such a change is actually more like a hoax, is a fairy baby asleep on purpose when he jokes, right?

In fact most of them while the mother of tired to give their children fairy story, but in their hearts the fairy idleness as if a cloud on the horizon, at this point is when hidden. For child red lumps on her face, doctors saying better to win the hearts of mothers: in 2 to 3 months to 2 years children, eczema is the most common form of allergic disease. At the beginning of eczema is small red lumps, solution appears slowly, the last scab desquamation, occurred over the course of this, children are constantly caught with their hands because of the itch. Eczema distribution in children, mostly around the cheeks, forehead, eyebrows, ears, etc.

MOM can do

When it finds a child when eczema appears, don\'t panic, just follow others, misuse of folk remedies is not desirable practices, more reasonable measures should start with looking for reasons, depending on the cause, targeted treatment.

1. identify the allergen:

Experts found in the research on children\'s allergies, 3 years of very high probability of children allergic to food, 100 in 6. 2.5% of newborn on milk allergy, so looking for allergy causes first to from children of diet start: note observation has no food allergy, for mixed feeding or has added auxiliary food of children, in stop currently diet or is replaced has low allergy milk zhihou eczema is reduce; for breast feeding of children, in mother eat had fish, and shrimp, and crab, and chicken, food Hou, children of eczema is has increased, if found children of eczema indeed and above situation about, so should immediately adjustment feeding way, meanwhile to timely treatment baby of dyspepsia, large constipation knot and diarrhea,.

2. the use of drugs:

Under the guidance of doctor, you can also use some drugs, such as diphenhydramine hydrochloride syrup, vitamin B complex, vitamin c, and so on, when there is a secondary infection also should be added with antibiotics. In addition to internal medicine, or you can choose according to the degree of eczema topical medications: If the condition of water erosion occurs or redness, 2% boric acid aqueous solution or can be used lightning 0.1 Buddha slave aqueous wet over solution and erosion disappears, you can clean the eczema cream for kids, wet oil, relaxing cream.

3. careful nursing:

Breast milk is the best baby food, breastfeeding can effectively prevent Eczema of children allergic to milk. Eczema of the site, wash well with water, avoid stimulating substance in contact with skin, alkaline SOAP and cosmetics, skin care creams and the like are best not to use.

4. appropriate:

If it is too hot, babies will feel especially itches; child clothes preferably whole cotton goods, loose clothing is more suitable for the baby.

Queen of apples: food allergy

Snow White Queen from the hands of the pretty Apple, after eating the first fell to the ground, leaned over and kissed the Prince in neighbouring countries lay flowers in the snow, the Princess immediately open your eyes. Almost every mother wants their Kiss has that kind of magic to make baby food allergy from this there are no taboos or restrictions at all, unfortunately, in the fairy tale story of forever water Moon, looking beautiful but could not take it seriously.

But nature\'s own their own arrangements, 80% food allergy in less than 5 years of healing, and breastfeeding is the best method baby food allergy treatment and prevention. Food allergy occurs most often in the baby after the birth of the first year, before the age of 3 children food allergy phenomenon occurs with 6%, account for more than half of which are allergic to milk.

Food allergy symptoms generally appear in children eat food 4 hours, a red rash appears on the child\'s skin, vomiting, diarrhea, some also have tongue edema, pharyngeal edema sth These are typical of allergy symptoms.

MOM can do

1. the breastfeeding:

The treatment and prevention of food allergy breastfeeding is the best way, for children with a strong family history of allergies, the first 6 months after birth should be introduced to breastfeeding, lactating mother in diet should also note that as far as possible, avoid eating foods high in allergy. In some special cases, mothers cannot nurse, protein hydrolysate formula can be used instead.

2. Prevention of allergy to from the beginning of pregnancy:

Second part of the mother during pregnancy (3-6 months), try not to pet at home, smoking fathers need to quit smoking, the prospective mother if you are allergic to any food, try not to eat during pregnancy.

3. complementary food to delay:

Under normal circumstances, 4-6 months baby can begin adding complementary foods, but for severe allergic infants, complementary food time possible in babies nine months when some prone to allergies

White fish and eggs, it is recommended that the kids 1 year 2 months later and try again.

4. identify food allergies:

Treatment of food allergy is the most effective way to find out the type of food allergy, avoid children try to food allergies, but achieve hundred percent don\'t eat food allergies is not easy, it requires parents looked closely, also needs to be professional medical supervision.

The sorcerer\'s spell: allergic asthma

In the fairy tale says, the newborn Princess was bewitched by malicious shaman spell, meant to go off to sleep when she was ten; daytime active children sleep in the night when it issued a whirring sound of panting, constant coughing and difficulty breathing sth Worried mother will inevitably to suspect what the sorcerer is also the baby effect spells?

If you have to say that shaman, so his name was probably called \"Asthma\". Boring Rod asthma take the FA in the sky \"Sesame\", points to the person in his view was infinite luck, in the eyes of parents and children is so unlucky. Asthma children especially loved to before the age of 5, 80% allergic asthma happened 5 years ago, boys are more susceptible to asthma than girls of all ages. If someone in the family relatives had suffered from asthma, was selected by asthma can be more than 30%. Eczema, asthma, allergic rhinitis is about three brothers walk together, many children suffering from asthma also suffer from eczema, about half of children with allergic rhinitis.

However from the medical point of view, view of the above too fairy tale, they give parents a more rigorous explanation of anaphylactic allergic asthma is a disease, air pollution, smoke stimulation, mental stimulation, exercise, cold air, as well as social, family, psychological factors may trigger asthma.

In among all the year round, spring and winter climate instability, upper respiratory tract infection, can cause asthma; summer condition most stable; autumn, a large number of dead bacteria are the most powerful allergen, asthma attack most often this season. Before deteriorating asthma from respiratory tract infection, generally has a more obvious signals: cough increased sharply in the evening, every time you cough to severe cough, careful parents should pay more attention to at this time.

MOM can do:

1. Elimination of indoor house dust mite

· Weekly with more than 55 ° c hot water washing of bedding and hot drying or Sun making it dry in the Sun;
· Bedding mite-proof material products is best beds in the morning;
· No fill, plush toys, rugs and tapestries;
· Indoor furniture sparingly;
· Ensure good indoor ventilation drying.

2. Elimination of animal allergen

· Tried not to keep small animals, has some small animals must be placed outside the bedroom it weekly also regularly to bathe animals;
·, Regular cleaning thoroughly, eliminate cockroaches;
· Eliminating tobacco smoke;
· Smoking parents not to smoke in the children\'s room, avoid taking the children to smoke in public places;
· Regular flu vaccines;
· Annually to influenza vaccine in patients with moderate to severe asthma and found children cold symptoms, take immediate effective measures of treatment;
· Often bring children exercise, improve their health, reduce the incidence of colds.

Alice Wonderland of terror: allergic rhinitis

Alice\'s eyes after the small, sweet grass on weekdays are all at risk, the beholder load at this time of the original forest, a tiny little insects are also able to squint a little contempt, Alice, exaggerate the reader\'s heart has always been tension in fairy tales, following the footsteps of Alice in the jungle around. Children with allergic rhinitis and Alice have similar feelings about, fragrant flowers in the nameless hidden dangers, mother care time and time again to stay away from flowers, not wanton to play ball on the grass with my father, how many will have regrets.

Increased in patients with allergic rhinitis in children in recent years, so that more children can only view of flowers. There have been reports, 3 infants suffering from allergic rhinitis in children under the age of 20%, 40%, children under 6 years of age suffering from allergic rhinitis.

Children suffering from allergic rhinitis often flow clear nose, sneezing, eye itching, and tears. Allergic nose than as a result of virus infections cause runny nose of long duration, usually a few weeks or months, pollen in the air or other allergy season is the source of the most common. Many other substances might add to allergic rhinitis, including dust, mold and animal dander.

MOM can do:

1. reduce indoor allergen:

Elimination of indoor house dust mite, not raising small animals, do not smoke in the room, special note also reduce indoor plants, potted plants in the mold of moist soil is ideal breeding ground.

2. outdoor avoid allergen:

Pollen more of season less with children out, especially has wind of when, to special reduced even avoid outdoor activities, this when also not using air conditioning, indoor note closed window, reduced open window of number, as far as possible using air filter device; out best with masks, returned zhihou, to help children bath, wash to fell in head Shang and clothes Shang of pollen; wash had of clothes best with drying machine drying;

3. seek the doctor\'s help:

Sometimes the simple way to avoid the allergen effect is not obvious, parents need to take the child to seek medical help at this time, under the guidance of doctor drug therapy, and immunotherapy.

If the good fairy tale symbol of childhood, is the brightest smile in memory; physical pain as indispensable in the fairy tale the ugly, accidentally scratching is the smile that road, although the pain is in the childhood episodes that cannot be skipped. Babbling children in the beautiful and ugly

Slowly grew up in, smile and pain.