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Food therapy of chronic gastritis in children

Chronic gastritis, previously we always thought that only adults will have this disease, but pediatricians said: in recent years are not uncommon in children with chronic gastritis in Pediatrics found, and there is an increasing trend, especially of pre-school children up to the age of 3-6. Experts pointed out that drugs used in treatment of chronic gastritis in addition under medical supervision outside eating conditioning also has very important significance. Here we introduce some of the relevant knowledge.

Diet recuperation for children with chronic gastritis of general principles of food needed \"fine, soft, delicate, black\", growth and development of children is individual, so also nutritious food, such as milk, boiled eggs, fish, soy products, noodles, porridge, fresh vegetables, fruits, etc. Can also eat foods that will help some stomach digestive function, like Yam, French beans, Lotus seeds, pork tripe with chicken gizzard, and, Mi Ren etc. Should not be eating more foods are celery, bamboo shoots, fat meat, fried foods, and so on.

Following several kinds of diet therapy for children application:

1, 500 grams of white radish, 150 grams of honey. The radish dicing/cubing, placed Cook put in boiling water, dry half, then boiling pot with honey with a small fire, mix thoroughly, cooling after bottling, 3 tablespoons daily clothing. Ideal for distending pain in the stomach, belching, acid reflux in children with food.

2, 220ml milk, 30 g honey, quail eggs 1. The milk boiled first, into the quail eggs, boil a few minutes later joined the honey into. Taking each morning. For stomach pain, thirst, anorexia, constipation in children.

3, maltose 20 grams, rushed into the 250 ml milk, boiled drinking on an empty stomach. Suitable for a dull pain the stomach, cold limb, afraid of the cold in children.

4, from Lotus seed, glutinous rice, Mi Ren 50 grams, brown sugar 15 g. Lotus seeds with boiling water swell, Peel to the heart, into the pot and cook 30 minutes followed by a rice with water after boiling Mi Ren, stewed to LAN with a small fire, after brown sugar consumption. Suitable for upper abdominal pain, weight loss, loss of appetite, tongue of greasy children.