Infant period is early in the development of life. During this period, various aspects of human psychological characteristics of the development is still at the stage of initial formation, its main tasks for the action, language, cognitive and emotional development. As criteria for assessing whether infant mental health, naturally should also fully reflect this characteristic. Because of the language and self perception in infants is still in formation, they could not effectively describe their inner experience, therefore, infant mental health survey of the best implemented by parents or care; the measurement standard, usually should be established from a statistical perspective. In other words, determine if a baby or young child mental health, is to see if he can reach most of the infant of the appropriate age level of mental development.
(A) development
Infants and young children include body big and fine finger movements. New-born neonates (after the full moon to one commonly referred to as baby) should have some simple action reflection. Infant should suck the nipple in a plug into, turning touch the corners of objects, things on hold in the Palm. Full 20 days Shi, prone with of baby should can head flat lift up; term Shi, baby by virtue of itself of forces should can mobile by lay of location; 4 months Shi, baby with support should can sat 1 minutes; 9 months Shi, baby should can alone sat up, with support can station up; 10 months Shi, baby should can with hand and knee crawling; 11 months Shi should can alone stand; 12 months Shi should can by others pull with go; 13 months Shi should can independent walking; 18 months Shi should can alone climbing stairs. At the age of two, children from picking up an object and does not fall on the floor, and be able to run and walk backward.
(B) language development
Neonatal cry original language was. A neonatal cry should pass, to the adults to express their hunger, discharge, pain or physical discomfort. From about the 4th month, babies start babbling, even forming a string of consonant and vowel syllable, and no matter what their parents are language, they say may seem to be a \"universal language\", namely, Mama, Baba, Dada, GaGaGa etc. When close to the 12th month, babies should be understandable to use \"Mum\"-meaning-a wealth of words, and sentences. To about 18 months, babies should be able to tell the double words such as \"mother waters\", \"eat egg eggs\". From the 18th months to 24 months, baby\'s language ability should have rapid development. They will begin using the 3-word phrase or sentence, or more than 3 words. At this time, rapidly expanded their vocabulary from about 20 to more than 300. During the liangdao3sui of young children (from age 1 to 6 years of age, traditionally known as child care) should have the ability to use various kinds of basic sentences. At the age of 3-6, early childhood language development is entering a critical period. During this period, children through activities such as gaming, learning, working, quickly develop their language skills. His speech should quickly become accurate, and, in the case of Professor no one specific miracle to master language syntax, and a native mother tongue.
(C) the development of cognitive abilities
Newborns learn limited on a number of reflex, Babinski reflex, that is, when the baby\'s feet are gently slap at the end, stretching of the big toe, other toes fan type. To about 4 months, infants should demonstrate more and more \"smart\" behavior. He should be for all people, issued even for objects with a smile; can combine information from different senses, such as linking happy face and a pleasant voice, with angry voices anger faces together. Between the 7-12 months after birth, stimulation of the baby should be able to know they had seen before, that is, memory formation, to realize that outside the world of objects and people, there is a separate separation phenomena, such as objects and people would disappear and reappear.
At the age of two, children should be in the form of mental imagery to describe their own experience. For example, when the road to a target blocked or changed, child care would have to find new routes. This is a psychological symbol of control and understanding of the activities, which enabled children to a predictable, consistent, and can be adjusted, even reflection of the ways to take action. This explained by child psychologist Jean Piaget\'s theory, is the concept before thinking. Development of conceptual thinking to a certain level before time (between the ages of about 2-4), by assimilation and adaptation action, intuition will then development of young children. At this point, between the age of young children in General in 4-6.
(D) of the social and emotional development
Through the study of social life the knowledge, skills, and social norms, to develop their own social, to qualify as a social life. People this socialization is the process of children through the inclusion of the social environment, ways to master the social experience of the process of social systems, but also their positive process of reproduction of the social system. Socialization is a continuous process through one\'s life.
People in infant period, need get attract parents attention of social lifestyle; on peers and adults expression own of emotional emotion--this personal need is get meet of experience, including actively of emotional emotion and negative of emotional emotion, as Hei, and anger, and mourning, and music,; led, and followed peers people, and they cooperation and competition; on achievements has pride; engaged in role played, activities. To that end, they should have required the inherent physiological qualities, within 1 month after birth so as to be able to voice response to face special attention. To about 2 months, babies should begin to issue social smile, that is, when caregivers closer to him or to meet a demand often make a smile (mouth smile of this innate behavior is different). To 4th month should be able to have a sense of be shy with strangers, that is frightened of strangers. Six months later, the baby should be able to clearly show signs of attachment of specific characters in the environment, its primary attachment goal usually is to take care of his mother. Baby on the mother\'s attachment to
Full peak at the age of 1 will reach the 1th, mother will appear at this time to the baby have a great sense of security. Meanwhile, father if closer baby signals concerns babies and cared for, baby sense of attachment to the father should also be able to securely set up. At the age of 2, defy, defy care requirements and commanding others \' phenomenon, diversify their emotional expressions should be shown, and you can learn to care for and care for other children, developing social games, has the empathic ability. During the 3-6 period, child care should begin to form emotional and moral standards, and peer relationships.